I focus on health for longevity. The people in these pictures do not. If you want to die young of heart disease and organs that shut down 30 years too early, it’s your body. But you can’t tell me something different than what my eyes see. This is part of the enslaving of America.

Also, if the people pictured put half the effort into getting healthy, that they do into eating and drinking like shit, they’d be amazing specimens.

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Yeah a lot of them aren’t ugly. They have nice faces. They could be quite attractive -100lb

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Aren't you Jewish?

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I am not

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Remember…it's impossible for them to wipe their ass after taking a dump.

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Fat bitches were just mad because black kangs didnt need them to buy their weed anymore as the new administration was subsidizing their lifestyle completely. What the government didn't give them they were allowed to steal with impunity.

They had to do something to protect their power and this was the best victim status they could muster to stay in the game.

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Comic article.

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In what way?

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Not really.

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Definitely not!

Men are getting cheated out of a decent wife and life and fat women are dying

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