When I first read articles on the prevalence of the “fat acceptance” feminist ideology in articles posted on the now defunct proto-manosphere Return of Kings website around a decade ago, I was skeptical, to say the least. Many of the commentators just struck me as credulous or paranoid on this subject.
I knew, of course, that on Tumblr and elsewhere on the web, there were plenty of pitiful displays of women celebrating their obesity and demanding to be recognized as beautiful. Such pathologically narcissistic manifestations of perverse reverse-vanity were easily mocked, however. In fact, while this 2014 video by Sam Hyde is hilarious, it seemed at the time all too easy a target: who in his right mind would ever take such ludicrous “activism” seriously?
I little knew what horrors would await in the years to come. Who could have guessed that glossy fashion magazines, backed up by millions of dollars of corporate wealth, would in no time be demanding that we find utterly grotesque images somehow alluring?
I could punish your eyes with hundreds more examples, but I trust you get the point. After ridiculing the ostensible paranoia of the RofK writers, I now had to admit that they had been prescient, while I had been clueless.
How did we go from the cultural left being health-food ninnies harping on the problem of obesity and pushing kale on schoolchildren in the late 00s, to the “fat is fabulous” mind virus holding sway amongst their ranks just a few years later?
Again, as with numerous other trends that lack any organic or grass-roots support, the promotion of “fat chicks with attitudes,” with singer Lizzo playing the most prominent role (in more ways than one), appears to have been pushed from above. For what purpose, and to what end? Perhaps— in part at least— to encourage even greater enmity between the sexes, in order that marriage and the family may further be undermined.
If I am correct, “the plan” might run something like this: 1) make women feel like they simply deserve to be worshipped and adored, even if they do very little to stay fit, healthy, desirable, or even amiable, 2) cause men to react with natural disgust to the consequent sight of legions of tatted-up, corpulent heifers with delusions of entitlement, 3) cause women to react with resentment to men’s lack of ardor for their less than desirable bodies and terrible personalities. Thus— voila!— even greater enmity between the sexes is generated.
Other, ancillary aspects of “the plan” that I am hypothesizing: Make “body positivity” a transparently female-only brand. When, for example, short men notice that they are still being mocked by women for their ostensible deficiencies in stature (or skinny men for being skinny, or fat men for being fat, or ugly men for being ugly, etc.), and their mockers are most decidedly not getting chastised the way that “fat-shaming” men get chastised, then the resentment surrounding this brazen double-standard only intensifies.
When I was growing up, the notion of men deliberately shunning women, as we find in the contemporary MGTOW scene— was completely unheard of. Celibacy was a generally respected practice, of course, but it was mostly seen as a sacrifice. It went without saying that if you were a healthy, red-blooded male, you wanted a woman in your life. It just followed naturally, as night follows the day.
It is thus a coup of truly staggering (and tragic) proportions, that contemporary culture-shapers have managed to render much of modern womanhood so obnoxious that many men are now choosing to take a pass, preferring to be alone than to get ensnared in the vicious tentacles of what one internet wag calls “relationshits.”
(to be continued)
Andy Nowicki is the author of several books, most recently The Insurrectionist, Muze, and Love and Hidden Agendas, as well as the just-published The Rule of Wrath. Visit his YouTube channel.
I focus on health for longevity. The people in these pictures do not. If you want to die young of heart disease and organs that shut down 30 years too early, it’s your body. But you can’t tell me something different than what my eyes see. This is part of the enslaving of America.
Also, if the people pictured put half the effort into getting healthy, that they do into eating and drinking like shit, they’d be amazing specimens.
Remember…it's impossible for them to wipe their ass after taking a dump.