May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.
The many Western modern twisted delusional psycho Sick womanhood that I and so many suffered and abused from crib through all my career, the hateful betrayal of so many that said they love us, and were by contract and traditions were thought to educate and help-heal or whatever the professions duties in good faith, and the so so many woman that witnessed (except 3) such man-hate that did not warn or act as a man would if they were so treated, or they that lied for them, siding against the man.
'.. their role in a comfortable, safe society that does not need to reproduce at historical rates. The more women have tested men in this way the more men have buckled under the onslaught.' Yes, the 'Shit-test'! - a recently read SubStack article.
If womanhood can be hated instead of only distrusted, avoided, and defended against for self, family and society with warnings if possible - it is in their destruction of Functional [no fault divorce] fatherlessness, destruction of father-child relationship, and the delusional psychotic twisted that exclusively women raising and educating of boys, where such a concept as a 'shit test' is not only rejected if mentioned and avoided by them, so we males will and do think it alien & inconceivable to consider the cause of her insanity, and instead we are indoctrinated to the opposite. So, to the evil-blinding and daily suffering & confusion & needless failure results of Betrayal & Loveless induced ignorance, to life-destroying suicide-inducing slide into hell that often happens
The Loveless psychotic Betrayal of that which I and is widely suffered, it could bring the concept of a Just world where God sends a real Pandemic to kill all women at menopause before they spent the rest of their 40+ years Vomiting Satanic life-love-joy-murdering Horror on children, young women, society, us all, and yes that means the death of many good valued women we still have - but from the sex that votes and encourage men to die for them and society, those women that Betray your children, fathers, yourselves, and us all, so twisted to sicken use all & crap daily into our shared soup-pot, increases horror in most or all places, Offices, they in or hold, and directs government to take more earned resources through taxes, increase wage suppression, destroy small business, .., from men & families - a society where they are justice-immune, able to false-rape accuse and destroy lives and name hidden by law and not punished when discovered or even rewarded, bringers of goddesses unTruth, inJustice, disOrder and damage or breaking all goodness and Joy-bringing.- such that a Pandemic removal of older mostly Poisonous women would give us all the near assurance of a return of world-wide Sanity, Joy, Love, .. such would a that bring - either Repent , or .. well, die, then.
Women want someone to defend them against the chances of the world and provide them with strong offspring. They don't want weak men. This is a generalization but it's the outcome of many thousands of years of natural selection. Men want pretty women because they look healthier and therefore will carry those offspring. It's really that simple. Pick me women are not colluding and that's why they are very successful, and the women who collude are the losers. It's another "Prisoner's Dilemma" type problem. Collusion might be the right solution if everyone were loyal to the cause. Shame is used to compel collusion, but it doesn't work very reliably. Simps are just contemptible.
This is very astute. I suppose like most things there's a biological source for the disparity in how men and women react to this behavior. Most men (whether they know it or not) want a healthy, nurturing presence in the home to ensure the success of their children. Thus a woman who is kind, pleasant, loyal, and physically healthy is extraordinarily attractive to us. On the other hand, women want a man who can protect her and her kids. Thus a man with social status (read: money and stability), confident enough to go his own way if need be, and who is physically imposing, is almost irresistible to them.
Considered in this way, it actually makes sense that a so-called "pick me" is actually very attractive to most men, while a "simp" is inversely attractive to women.
May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.
The many Western modern twisted delusional psycho Sick womanhood that I and so many suffered and abused from crib through all my career, the hateful betrayal of so many that said they love us, and were by contract and traditions were thought to educate and help-heal or whatever the professions duties in good faith, and the so so many woman that witnessed (except 3) such man-hate that did not warn or act as a man would if they were so treated, or they that lied for them, siding against the man.
'.. their role in a comfortable, safe society that does not need to reproduce at historical rates. The more women have tested men in this way the more men have buckled under the onslaught.' Yes, the 'Shit-test'! - a recently read SubStack article.
If womanhood can be hated instead of only distrusted, avoided, and defended against for self, family and society with warnings if possible - it is in their destruction of Functional [no fault divorce] fatherlessness, destruction of father-child relationship, and the delusional psychotic twisted that exclusively women raising and educating of boys, where such a concept as a 'shit test' is not only rejected if mentioned and avoided by them, so we males will and do think it alien & inconceivable to consider the cause of her insanity, and instead we are indoctrinated to the opposite. So, to the evil-blinding and daily suffering & confusion & needless failure results of Betrayal & Loveless induced ignorance, to life-destroying suicide-inducing slide into hell that often happens
The Loveless psychotic Betrayal of that which I and is widely suffered, it could bring the concept of a Just world where God sends a real Pandemic to kill all women at menopause before they spent the rest of their 40+ years Vomiting Satanic life-love-joy-murdering Horror on children, young women, society, us all, and yes that means the death of many good valued women we still have - but from the sex that votes and encourage men to die for them and society, those women that Betray your children, fathers, yourselves, and us all, so twisted to sicken use all & crap daily into our shared soup-pot, increases horror in most or all places, Offices, they in or hold, and directs government to take more earned resources through taxes, increase wage suppression, destroy small business, .., from men & families - a society where they are justice-immune, able to false-rape accuse and destroy lives and name hidden by law and not punished when discovered or even rewarded, bringers of goddesses unTruth, inJustice, disOrder and damage or breaking all goodness and Joy-bringing.- such that a Pandemic removal of older mostly Poisonous women would give us all the near assurance of a return of world-wide Sanity, Joy, Love, .. such would a that bring - either Repent , or .. well, die, then.
But not today - please.
God Bless., Steve
Sorry, the evil feminists have been sent from Satan to break you but you are strong! God will help you! Ask Him!💕
Women want someone to defend them against the chances of the world and provide them with strong offspring. They don't want weak men. This is a generalization but it's the outcome of many thousands of years of natural selection. Men want pretty women because they look healthier and therefore will carry those offspring. It's really that simple. Pick me women are not colluding and that's why they are very successful, and the women who collude are the losers. It's another "Prisoner's Dilemma" type problem. Collusion might be the right solution if everyone were loyal to the cause. Shame is used to compel collusion, but it doesn't work very reliably. Simps are just contemptible.
This is very astute. I suppose like most things there's a biological source for the disparity in how men and women react to this behavior. Most men (whether they know it or not) want a healthy, nurturing presence in the home to ensure the success of their children. Thus a woman who is kind, pleasant, loyal, and physically healthy is extraordinarily attractive to us. On the other hand, women want a man who can protect her and her kids. Thus a man with social status (read: money and stability), confident enough to go his own way if need be, and who is physically imposing, is almost irresistible to them.
Considered in this way, it actually makes sense that a so-called "pick me" is actually very attractive to most men, while a "simp" is inversely attractive to women.