May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.
History shows that women in leadership and power positions - such as Queens - are much more war-like. As men will and do assist and help women as part of our nature, as children we care for them as a sex trait where women starting at widespread Birth-control and likely before see men and children as 'dispose-able', the number of children died on Titanic ship wreak and women not giving places to children speaks to a trait that if found in men would be considered Sick and virtueless, shunned by society. ..
.. like our fathers, brothers, sons damaged & not [better dead she thinks] after being forced into Vietnam war and service for Society and country - they returned to a society (women 'empathy' directed) willing to let them die on street, and so now it is everywhere and as long as mostly men suffer they refuse to care beside useless talking, while their votes continue endless wars and further taking of taxes from men, fathers, and enslavement of us in wealth thief and loss-liberty in poverty.
Such points I could expand so that one who follows should understand Satanic twisted women are hyper-powered in law, social, employment, voting, and besides crushing any man that Stands against evil then want or approve-of, they are a 5th Colum for Satan, a family, fatherhood, children, .. destroying force of irrational broken-minded twisted insanity - in general, that older women are constantly spewing soul-destroying horrors and poisoning young as if Witches - minions of Satan and Hell.
The Open male-hate and twisted False view of women pushed by Hollywood you spotted in 1990's was only possible because of a decade before of university indoctrination of fear-hate of men, lies and brain-washing of them, along with practice of vileness and viciousness seen by their Satanic Mentors in positions of employment and teaching, medical and other professions that occurred. Had such groundwork not been done that level of Propaganda would never have been accepted.
May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.
History shows that women in leadership and power positions - such as Queens - are much more war-like. As men will and do assist and help women as part of our nature, as children we care for them as a sex trait where women starting at widespread Birth-control and likely before see men and children as 'dispose-able', the number of children died on Titanic ship wreak and women not giving places to children speaks to a trait that if found in men would be considered Sick and virtueless, shunned by society. ..
.. like our fathers, brothers, sons damaged & not [better dead she thinks] after being forced into Vietnam war and service for Society and country - they returned to a society (women 'empathy' directed) willing to let them die on street, and so now it is everywhere and as long as mostly men suffer they refuse to care beside useless talking, while their votes continue endless wars and further taking of taxes from men, fathers, and enslavement of us in wealth thief and loss-liberty in poverty.
Such points I could expand so that one who follows should understand Satanic twisted women are hyper-powered in law, social, employment, voting, and besides crushing any man that Stands against evil then want or approve-of, they are a 5th Colum for Satan, a family, fatherhood, children, .. destroying force of irrational broken-minded twisted insanity - in general, that older women are constantly spewing soul-destroying horrors and poisoning young as if Witches - minions of Satan and Hell.
The Open male-hate and twisted False view of women pushed by Hollywood you spotted in 1990's was only possible because of a decade before of university indoctrination of fear-hate of men, lies and brain-washing of them, along with practice of vileness and viciousness seen by their Satanic Mentors in positions of employment and teaching, medical and other professions that occurred. Had such groundwork not been done that level of Propaganda would never have been accepted.
Good article.
God Bless., Steve