Note: this article is part of a larger work that I am currently composing. Here are links to Part 1 and Part 2
In the early 90s, as part of a contrived and coordinated trend initiated at the highest levels of power, radical feminism began to get bankrolled by Hollywood.
I will hereby cite a few examples, which shouldn’t be taken an exhaustive catalog. Again, it is important to note that the following movies were assuredly not indie, arthouse fare with miniscule budgets, but were in fact major productions with hefty financial support from powerful studios.
The opening salvo of this propagandistic barrage was 1991's Thelma and Louise, which is at least as viciously anti-male as Dances With Wolves is anti-white. Every single male character who shows up in this film (with the possible exception of Harvey Keitel as an enigmatic lawman) is deeply unsympathetic. Some are merely pathetic clowns, while others are adulterous creeps, and still others are con artists, thieves, and rapists.
Those who disliked the rampant misandry of Thelma and Louise and made their thoughts known were instantly shot down and dismissed as misogynists (apparently objecting to men being depicted negatively means that you hate women). This highly touted, critically-lauded film wasn't as high-profile as Dances With Wolves, nor as much of a runaway success, though it did feature several A-list actors (Geena Davis, Susan Sarandon, Keitel), in addition to a young Brad Pitt. The film was directed by Ridley Scott, further indicating its clout as a big-budget production.
Mainstream media lavished effusive praise upon Thelma and Louise, with Time magazine running a fawning article titled "Why Thelma and Louise strikes a nerve," which it duly gave front page treatment.
Given that the movie was only a modest success, one can’t help but note the artificiality of this prominent “news” outlet giving Thelma and Louise such attention, or suggesting that the movie somehow speaks uniquely to women, as if any such consensus had been reached. The patent astroturfing here should be obvious to anyone with eyes to see.
In the early 90s, male-bashing became a mainstay even in movies geared towards men, such as James Cameron’s Terminator 2 (1991), in which heroine Sarah Connor delivers a cringy rant, apropos of little, about how men are inherently destructive, unlike women, who are inherently nurturing and kind.
Similarly, in Jon Singleton’s violent inner-city drama Boyz In the Hood, a random hoodrat girl sassily declares, “How you know that God is a ‘he’? Maybe God’s a ‘she'!” Putting aside the unlikeliness of this particular character dabbling in feminist theology, the response of Ice Cube’s character might be even more ridiculous: “If God was a bitch, there wouldn’t be no nuclear bombs, no wars, no shit like that, cuz that ain’t in bitches’ nature!”
Again, as with T2, this gratuitously anti-male dialogue (though Cube speaks of women as “bitches,” he is in fact, like Sara Conner, lauding women’s ostensible superiority to men) has nothing to do with the plot, and to compound the absurdity, it is being spoken in a film with far more likelihood to draw a male audience.
It is hard not to conclude, from these examples, that men were being deliberately targeted with egregious insults in movies that are supposed to be geared towards them. (It would be a scenario repeated much more pointedly decades later, when the Gillette company, which makes it profits by selling products to men, launched their infamously ill-fated anti-male advertising campaign in 2019.)
Other feminist movies of lesser note which were produced and released in this period include A League of Their Own (1992), about the brief time period in the United State(s) during World War 2 when women played professional baseball, due to the men being drafted, as well as a disastrous “re-imagining” of Nathaniel Hawthorne's classic American novel The Scarlet Letter (1995).
In the latter, Hawthorne's tragic fallen woman is transformed into a righteous symbol of female sex-positivity, who is unfairly persecuted by the patriarchy. In addition, Christian whites are villainized, while American Indian pagans are portrayed as heroic and valorous (in a subplot which, needless to say, does not appear in Hawthorne's novel).
The Scarlet Letter flopped mightily, and was thoroughly skewered by critics, but the very fact that it was made, with Hollywood heavy-hitters like Demi Moore, Gary Oldman, and Robert Duvall in the starring roles, indicates the extent to which the radical feminist psyop had truly taken hold.
A League of Their Own is admittedly less egregious in its propagandistic push, and to a certain degree even amusing (containing the now classic line, “There's no crying in baseball!”); still, who in the world was asking for a movie about the professional women’s baseball league that briefly existed as a novelty in the early 1940s before disappearing forever?
Clearly, A League of Their Own was not written and produced in response to any grass-roots popular demand, but instead was foisted on the moviegoing public by diktat; which is to say, its subject matter suited the psyop.
(to be continued)
May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.
History shows that women in leadership and power positions - such as Queens - are much more war-like. As men will and do assist and help women as part of our nature, as children we care for them as a sex trait where women starting at widespread Birth-control and likely before see men and children as 'dispose-able', the number of children died on Titanic ship wreak and women not giving places to children speaks to a trait that if found in men would be considered Sick and virtueless, shunned by society. ..
.. like our fathers, brothers, sons damaged & not [better dead she thinks] after being forced into Vietnam war and service for Society and country - they returned to a society (women 'empathy' directed) willing to let them die on street, and so now it is everywhere and as long as mostly men suffer they refuse to care beside useless talking, while their votes continue endless wars and further taking of taxes from men, fathers, and enslavement of us in wealth thief and loss-liberty in poverty.
Such points I could expand so that one who follows should understand Satanic twisted women are hyper-powered in law, social, employment, voting, and besides crushing any man that Stands against evil then want or approve-of, they are a 5th Colum for Satan, a family, fatherhood, children, .. destroying force of irrational broken-minded twisted insanity - in general, that older women are constantly spewing soul-destroying horrors and poisoning young as if Witches - minions of Satan and Hell.
The Open male-hate and twisted False view of women pushed by Hollywood you spotted in 1990's was only possible because of a decade before of university indoctrination of fear-hate of men, lies and brain-washing of them, along with practice of vileness and viciousness seen by their Satanic Mentors in positions of employment and teaching, medical and other professions that occurred. Had such groundwork not been done that level of Propaganda would never have been accepted.
Good article.
God Bless., Steve