1990 was the beginning of the end
The not-so-secret war of Western 'elites' against the people began when the Cold War ended
Note: this article is part of a larger work that I am currently composing.
In a previous piece, entitled "Havoc: The Post-Cold War Demon That Has Ravaged the West," I established the thesis that it was only after the collapse of the Soviet Union that the West's elites, always latently hostile to the populations of the Western world, were enabled to fully indulge their bilious belligerence towards those whom they have long haughtily deemed to be their subjects or inferiors; namely, the rank and file citizenry of Western nations.
According to the argument I advanced in “Havoc,” the "elites" (a terminological misnomer, to be sure) who hold sway over the ruling institutions of the Western world, had to indicate support to "middle America" (or equivalent groups in other Western nations) for the duration of the Cold War, since they were reliant on securing this demographic’s loyalty as long as a formidable foreign power remained a threat to their own interests.
Thus, the ruling Western oligopoly (better known as the “military-industrial complex,” the “deep state,” and various other ominous appellations) took care not to antagonize or actively work against the interests of the “common” folk, since alienating the so-called hoi polloi would mean losing needful cannon fodder were the Cold War to turn hot.
What is more, it would simply send the wrong message; the people, at such a time, needed to be flattered and massaged, made to feel that they were indeed supported, understood, sympathized with; they needed to know that their concerns were seen and heard, and that Big Daddy (that is, the corporate and federal establishment) had their back.
But once the Cold War ended, so did the ruling oligopoly's imperative to maintain sparkling public relations with those they viewed, at best, as "the help," and at worst, as "useless eaters."
After all, the West, led by the United States (who in truth had been calling the shots for all Western and West-affiliated countries since at least 1945), had now become a unipolar colossus, the world's sole superpower. Of course, there would be occasional skirmishes with banana republic dictators and rogue nations feeling uppity here or there, but the need to prepare for massive mobilization had passed. It was "the end of history," now. "Democracy"-- meaning American hegemony-- would surely reign supreme from here on in.
Thus, there was no longer any reason to countenance or flatter the majority populations of Western nations, those whom the rulers had in truth long held in contempt.
And so, a new war began to be waged: a secret war in which the native inhabitants of Western countries were the targeted enemy, though they little knew that such was the case, at least at first.
Gradually through the years, however, the reality of this war has grown increasingly obvious, and those who wage it most fervently are increasingly baring their fangs.
If the reader finds my analysis seems too pat or even glib, I cordially invite him to scrutinize trends set in motion, and examine artifacts of American popular culture, as produced by well-funded, corporate-affiliated, high-level interest groups, before and after the fateful year of 1990. (More on that presently.)
By 1990, the Soviet Union had collapsed in all but name. The final months of 1989 had seen the fall of the Berlin Wall, and popular uprisings-- heavily funded by the CIA, but of course-- springing up all across the formerly allied nations of the now abruptly obsolete Warsaw Pact. The momentum towards dissolution only mounted, until in 1991 the very word "Soviet" was flung into the dustbin of history. The USSR became Russia and a host of newly independent countries; Leningrad once more assumed its pre-Soviet name St. Petersburg, and Stalingrad transformed back into Volgograd.
The twilight of Soviet Communism was generally considered to be a positive development. Indeed, it marked the elimination of a vicious and repressive tyranny which had previously gripped half of the world in its stranglehold. Hundreds of millions were released from captivity in the formerly Soviet-dominated sector of the world.
Yet, for the unsuspecting citizenry of the victorious West, it was the beginning of the end, as the increasingly catastrophic events of last three-and-a-half decades can attest.
In 2024, the year in which I type these words, it is no longer alarmist to consider the possibility of a new civil war. The notion of the United States (perhaps better termed the "United State" to emphasize the current scope of the increasingly consolidated control its rulership) continuing to exist for much longer as "one nation, indivisible," now seems tenuous at best.
It is my contention that the current state of things, in America and in the United States-affiliated nations that make up the West, has not been the result of accidental or random vicissitudes of history. Instead, it has been the result of a deliberate and malicious campaign against Western peoples... by those who are supposed to be their representatives, their guardians, their protectors.
Metaphorically speaking, it isn't just a case of the wolves proverbially guarding the henhouse-- it is far worse than that. The wolves aren't just predatorily "guarding' the doomed and hapless hens; they are throwing wide the henhouse door and letting in all manner of insidious and destructive influences.
In using this metaphor, I am not simply referring to our rulers' surely willful failure to protect the border, though it is worth noting that the push for mass immigration to the West, for, moreover, the positive enshrinement of the project to import millions of mostly unassimilable non-Western people with beliefs, mindsets, and traditions totally alien to and at odds with traditional Western mores, only began in earnest once the Cold War ended.
This, again, is no coincidence. But it goes far further than single issues. As crucial to a nation's well-being as border security is, there are certainly other ways to wage war upon the hated native population of the West besides promulgating mass Third World immigration.
At least as important as attempted physical displacement is the disbursement of demoralization propaganda: i.e., works crafted to teach their targeted audience to hate themselves.
Amongst propaganda disbursed to a broad audience, the cinematic form is by far the most effective, since it is an intensely visceral and immersive medium. During wartime, all art is strictly controlled, since the opinion-shapers wish to boost morale and keep the population in an optimistic, hopeful mindset, thus inspiring to remain dedicated to the war effort.
Propaganda directed at the enemy, on the other hand, is crafted with the deliberate intention of destroying the morale of those whom it targets.
So the population of Western nations, and of the United States especially, began to be increasingly targeted with deliberately morale-eroding Hollywood movies on an unprecedented scale starting in 1990.
(to be continued)
Andy Nowicki is the author of several books, most recently The Insurrectionist, Muze, and Love and Hidden Agendas, as well as the just-published The Rule of Wrath. Visit his YouTube channel.
May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.
Smashing good theory! And off-hand I cannot think of argument against, except that the sudden expansion of society and native destruction, end of Trusting Society, and such had already been making serious in-roads in destruction of middle-class, wages, warping and twisting of not only males in self-hate by women in male-hate and hatred of our culture, removal of Beauty and replacing with ugliness, and destruction of functional fatherhood, children going to delusional psycho mothers directed by Satanic mutilating sterilizing pushing Gov, Corp, Institutions and media.
Good stuff, I am glad I went back to your older stuff and found this series - I expect the rest to be good also.
God Bless., Steve
When NATO bombed Serbia and Regan abandoned trade agreement with the fallen Soviet union.... 1990 was the corporate plutocracy corporatism canon.