Now some may protest that I am alleging that Nazis, of all people, hold actual power in the "deep state," and that I am singling them out rather that drawing attention to the ahem, "usual suspects," namely that ethnic group whose extreme power and wealth cannot be denied, particularly when considered in proportion to their percentage of the overall population, but whose ubiquitous influence we are forever abjured to ignore, lest we be castigated as allegedly genocidal maniacs or otherwise bad people simply for noticing what is as plain as the noses on their faces (offensive pun intended).
To answer your final question in this essay, I will venture to guess if you abuse the white population enough, an explicit tribalism will form among them. I have no doubt with increasing economic problems and the government overtly snubbing the heritage population in favor of foreigners, this explicit tribalism will become more extreme. Out of the pressure cooker of abuse and maybe even persecution arises the Aryan type they're looking for.
Precisely. The Crucible Theory: only through immense cultural heat and severe economic and political pressure will a people emerge that is robust, resilient and immune to Liberalism (Christianity, Communism, etc.), plus be more willing to wage war against everyone not an Aryan.
Nowicki, the ruling plutocracy of the west is cosmopolitan in nature; dominated by A. Talmudic, Satan worshipping, technocratic Transhumanists and B. blood drinking, atheistic shabbos goy cannibal pedophiles with Malthusian instincts.
If we briefly put the Zio elephant in the room aside and focus instead on the gentile component of the elite classes. Then, the following works are germane to your breakaway civilization ZOG-Nazi symbiosis thesis.
Suggested Bibliography
By Jason Reza Jorjani
World State of Emergency
By Paul Manning
Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile
By Peter Levenda
The Hitler Legacy: The Nazi Cult in Diaspora: How it was Organized, How it was Funded, and Why it Remains a Threat to Global Security in the Age of Terrorism
By Jim Marrs
The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America
Population Control: How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us
By Joseph P Farrell
Covert Wars and the Clash of Civilizations: UFOS, Oligarchs and Space Secrecy
Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops: A History of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies and Psychological Operation
The Third Way: The Nazi International, European Union, and Corporate Fascism
Nazi International: The Nazis' Postwar Plan to Control the Worlds of Science, Finance, Space, and Conflict
Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations: The Secret Space Program, Celestial Psyops and Hidden Conflicts
Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret Sorcery: The Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations
By Richard Dolan
The Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization
By Cynthia Chung
The Empire on which the Black Sun Never Set: The Birth of International Fascism and Anglo-American Foreign Policy
I've had this suspicion for the last decade or so, but the mechanism has eluded me in a postwar context. It is interesting to note of course that the formation of the state of Israel owes a greater debt to Hitler than any other single person, and Joe Atwill has observed some really interesting Masonic connections in the occult origins of both National Socialism and Zionism.
To answer your final question in this essay, I will venture to guess if you abuse the white population enough, an explicit tribalism will form among them. I have no doubt with increasing economic problems and the government overtly snubbing the heritage population in favor of foreigners, this explicit tribalism will become more extreme. Out of the pressure cooker of abuse and maybe even persecution arises the Aryan type they're looking for.
Precisely. The Crucible Theory: only through immense cultural heat and severe economic and political pressure will a people emerge that is robust, resilient and immune to Liberalism (Christianity, Communism, etc.), plus be more willing to wage war against everyone not an Aryan.
Nowicki, the ruling plutocracy of the west is cosmopolitan in nature; dominated by A. Talmudic, Satan worshipping, technocratic Transhumanists and B. blood drinking, atheistic shabbos goy cannibal pedophiles with Malthusian instincts.
If we briefly put the Zio elephant in the room aside and focus instead on the gentile component of the elite classes. Then, the following works are germane to your breakaway civilization ZOG-Nazi symbiosis thesis.
Suggested Bibliography
By Jason Reza Jorjani
World State of Emergency
By Paul Manning
Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile
By Peter Levenda
The Hitler Legacy: The Nazi Cult in Diaspora: How it was Organized, How it was Funded, and Why it Remains a Threat to Global Security in the Age of Terrorism
By Jim Marrs
The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America
Population Control: How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us
By Joseph P Farrell
Covert Wars and the Clash of Civilizations: UFOS, Oligarchs and Space Secrecy
Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops: A History of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies and Psychological Operation
The Third Way: The Nazi International, European Union, and Corporate Fascism
Nazi International: The Nazis' Postwar Plan to Control the Worlds of Science, Finance, Space, and Conflict
Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations: The Secret Space Program, Celestial Psyops and Hidden Conflicts
Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret Sorcery: The Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations
By Richard Dolan
The Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization
By Cynthia Chung
The Empire on which the Black Sun Never Set: The Birth of International Fascism and Anglo-American Foreign Policy
I've had this suspicion for the last decade or so, but the mechanism has eluded me in a postwar context. It is interesting to note of course that the formation of the state of Israel owes a greater debt to Hitler than any other single person, and Joe Atwill has observed some really interesting Masonic connections in the occult origins of both National Socialism and Zionism.