When NATO bombed Serbia and Regan abandoned trade agreement with the fallen Soviet union.... 1990 was the corporate plutocracy corporatism canon.

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Very interesting! I wish I could remember if Angelo Codevilla said anything about this. He wrote a long essay some years ago about how America had been dividing into a "ruling class" and a "country class." As I remember how he described it, the ruling class got unmoored from the rest of Americans with the Progressive movements in the late-19th, early-20th centuries, and they continued to get more hostile and out of touch. It does seem that before the "Progressive Era," the people at the top in America were less separated from the people below them.

And it sure does seem that movies, TV and other media have been relentless since 1990 with crushing the morale of white Americans.

I'm looking forward very much to your next installment! (I'm the one, Andy, who mentioned elsewhere that I had worked in academia, and so my outlook on how things generally got worse might have been biased)

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