> What was really the impetus for “Keep Dancing Orlando”? Could the originators of this campaign truly be as ridiculously tone deaf as they seem? Or was the actual motivation for the recording of these freakishly ill-advised videos something entirely unrelated to the reported “Pulse” tragedy, and in some manner connected to the equally grotesque “dancing nurse” videos which would follow four years later?
Yes! They're not tone deaf at all. Those who orchestrate these events are autographing their handiwork. ...And having a little insider joke at the expense of the peasantry.
It reminds me a bit of a major hoax we had over here five years back --- the Manchester Arena "bomb". If you remember, on 22nd of May, a 22-year-old Muslim "terrorist" allegedly blew up an Ariana Grande concert: he was subsequently charged with multiple counts of murder (22 counts of murder, of course). A few weeks later there was a huge "One Love Manchester" tribute concert to the "victims" of the hoax, with various big-name purveyors of godawful "music" taking to the stage at Manchester's cricket ground. The bomb was undoubtedly fake and its "victims" crisis actors (à la Boston Marathon): YouTube Truthers exposed this pretty convincingly at the time (and their videos were swiftly memory-holed by YouTube). Yet the country was swept up in a huge outpouring of sentiment (and donations) by a troupe of pop stars.
It’s part of the Africanization of American culture. The natives always dance when they are restless. We learned this through watching Johnny Weissmuller as Jungle Jim a long time ago and also living too close to a ghetto.
> What was really the impetus for “Keep Dancing Orlando”? Could the originators of this campaign truly be as ridiculously tone deaf as they seem? Or was the actual motivation for the recording of these freakishly ill-advised videos something entirely unrelated to the reported “Pulse” tragedy, and in some manner connected to the equally grotesque “dancing nurse” videos which would follow four years later?
Yes! They're not tone deaf at all. Those who orchestrate these events are autographing their handiwork. ...And having a little insider joke at the expense of the peasantry.
It reminds me a bit of a major hoax we had over here five years back --- the Manchester Arena "bomb". If you remember, on 22nd of May, a 22-year-old Muslim "terrorist" allegedly blew up an Ariana Grande concert: he was subsequently charged with multiple counts of murder (22 counts of murder, of course). A few weeks later there was a huge "One Love Manchester" tribute concert to the "victims" of the hoax, with various big-name purveyors of godawful "music" taking to the stage at Manchester's cricket ground. The bomb was undoubtedly fake and its "victims" crisis actors (à la Boston Marathon): YouTube Truthers exposed this pretty convincingly at the time (and their videos were swiftly memory-holed by YouTube). Yet the country was swept up in a huge outpouring of sentiment (and donations) by a troupe of pop stars.
It’s part of the Africanization of American culture. The natives always dance when they are restless. We learned this through watching Johnny Weissmuller as Jungle Jim a long time ago and also living too close to a ghetto.
Hello Andy. Was wondering where you’ve been.