Jun 27Liked by Andy Nowicki

This a great write-up, Andy, thank you. A veritable "banquet' for thought. Hope this doesn't sound too "juvenile" (I think we're close the same age), but I thought of the very large Marvel comic book from the late seventies or thereabouts, that I had (Fantastic Four), of Galactus, showing up to consume the Earth. On top of the Twin Towers, no less (!). But the High Evolutionary (an out-of-the-blue character) had a battle with him there, and galactus pulled a trick maneuver and sent him to the Micro-world. However, Galactus, upon feeding himself of all the Life Force on this Earth, was himself tricked, as the world he consumed was a duplicate, created by the High Evolutionary, so that Galactus basically got sick as hell and went off pretty much with a bad case of gas. I do NOT want to belittle your article with that very lengthy anecdote, by *ANY* means... but I am going to definitely find and watch that movie (spoilers be damned). Would you say that such might be the reason for the "entropy" and deep malaise that seems like a suffocating haze upon us all? I know that around the approach of 2012, I was very much a "prepper" (always have been, sort of). But then..."nothing" happened (?!). I'd been pretty well sure that the Tenth Planet, or Dark Star was incoming. I'd kind of even "hoped" for it. I do sometimes wonder if, well, the "Anunaki", or whomever, perhaps did, indeed, come along and caused such a trauma that we are sometimes living in such a strange age that even as almost anything is now possible, technologically, it could at any moment be wiped out with the push of a button, after the turning of three keys by guys in a sub or silo. That's a sobering thought, indeed. Seems like a collective Life Force has been sapped from this world, for whatever reason, for quite awhile now...Might just be my "mid-life crisis", who knows? lol Much to think on, I really appreciate it, Andy. Love your Work, truly do, like your interviews when I can find them as well. Ghosts in the "machine" that 'Im typing on right now (?). Thank you, Bruder.

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Interesting. I would have thought of Donnie Darko in relation to this, but that's the implication of the weird ending of Jacobs Ladder? I guess the notion is he had a compressed time hallucination brought on by the BZ in the last moments before death?

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I'm not sure if the BZ caused his hallucination, but yeah, that's the implication.

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Frequently feel this way, yes.

Thanks for going to the trouble of articulating it, Andy.

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It's been a long time since I've seen this movie. I think I interpreted it as a flashback because that was the common trope at thetime

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