Excellent essay sir. I first encountered political correctness as a high school senior in 1991. For an easy A I took a health class. Sitting around with other students and the teacher, somehow the conversation turned to what kind of person we found attractive (?). As an adult now I can't conceive of any good reason the teacher let the convo flow that way. In any case I mentioned that I had nothing personally against black people but I didn't find black women to be attractive. All of the boys in class agreed with me, but we were scolded by some of the girls and the (female) teacher. You can't make blanket statements like that! we were told. Then what's the point of even stating your opinions on your likes and dislikes? Even at 17 I could see what an absurd philosophy it was.
A totally inappropriate discussion for a teacher to engage in with her students! But clearly the point of it was 1) to blur boundaries between adults and teenagers and 2) to shame young people for completely natural and healthy inclinations.
May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.
Like you Andy, I also felt the same way towards the older Liberalism, the kind of inclusive Justice-for-All teachings from my parents, and being young and lacking adult confidence to Stand against the crowd except in those very clear issues I was indoctrinated in such as anti-war, anti-racism, .., and was willing to try to understand the changes and became more and more confused, suffering as I tried to put them into action, and worse.
In retrospect I am very sorry I did not have the grounding in Theology and ethics, and the understanding of the insanity irrationality that took over Western Philosophy at Descartes and after, and continues to this day .. where the Modernist GodLess anti-Natural Law 'thinkers' seem to be struggling back to the Thomistic positions that are Clear and Sane. Had I had even the outline of the Traditionalist Catholic Doctrine my life would have been rational and something I could advance emotionally, Spiritually, economically, career-wise, lovingly, socially, family (existing and having one with a lot of loving well fathered & mothered children, etc)
The years of self-loathing and constant confusion as I endlessly tried to implement that insane hate-filled feminist-directed upbringing and indoctrination, those years of binge-drinking on weekends to have an evening or two free from the self-loathing and torment from nothing making sense, failures where successes should have been, etc.
The PC was and the recent versions is so filled with unTruth, inJustice, mind-breaking, disOrdering, Vomit I would not mind it if public beatings of anyone who pushes it and any lie-based anti-society anti-sanity positions were allowed. Like with those who would call others racists or antisemitic or .. without showing how or able to prove it true - beaten bloody as an example and a Loving correction for them to help them realize their evil wages are such and sometimes death.
I did notice of close examination of the horror of most of my adult life that such popular changes always allow women some small advantage - a method towards drama and take position of false 'righteousness' or to harm males and men or stop changes that they were not supportive of or even asked about. The hyper-empowered 5th Colum of social, national, world destructions and lies and virtuelessness and war, suffering, horrors, and death.
Want a new cancerous puss-spewing evil? Make it something women will benefit from in some way, profit as usual, power to kill more, that destroys; men, children, decent women, .. and it will spread like wild-fire in the wind.
The Left were truly never for free speech or against censorship. They were only for " freedom of expression " when it came to degenerate acts that they wanted to engage in. They were anti-war for Vietnam, they are pro-war for Germany in the 1940s , and Ukraine present day.
My feeling about where we dropped the ball was that we read Ivan Illich and mistaked him fir the similar abstract speaker as Buckmnstr Fuller. My new rule of thumb sweeps to include 1970s cybernetics books, Korzybnski and up to including? Fuller. Illich in those translations is shareable with others. The similar with Haidt. He never advises any behavior, so dangerously I have been waiting for an angry word of metaphysic from drug elves I donot pursue. Today's Zizeck Goads is to the point. He says encourage conservatives to distinguish themselves. My thought in that direction was to want to chorus them, asin a play, but I am not a comedian. The shut-down version of this is with Counterpunch to point up the Uniparty. Zizeck's idea has none of the Respect, steeliness, hammerhardness , nor liberte nor 'equality' which are the bigwords that hang us in the wind . Equality?! Haidt tries and fails to head that off by prefacing the book with :" There are more roadsigns to be grasped from my work on moral foundations than equality". But bringing it up , it is a mistake, who else? I saw Nader's Only Millionaires Can Save Us filed in fiction ...1000 pages give or take a few...
Excellent essay sir. I first encountered political correctness as a high school senior in 1991. For an easy A I took a health class. Sitting around with other students and the teacher, somehow the conversation turned to what kind of person we found attractive (?). As an adult now I can't conceive of any good reason the teacher let the convo flow that way. In any case I mentioned that I had nothing personally against black people but I didn't find black women to be attractive. All of the boys in class agreed with me, but we were scolded by some of the girls and the (female) teacher. You can't make blanket statements like that! we were told. Then what's the point of even stating your opinions on your likes and dislikes? Even at 17 I could see what an absurd philosophy it was.
A totally inappropriate discussion for a teacher to engage in with her students! But clearly the point of it was 1) to blur boundaries between adults and teenagers and 2) to shame young people for completely natural and healthy inclinations.
May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.
Like you Andy, I also felt the same way towards the older Liberalism, the kind of inclusive Justice-for-All teachings from my parents, and being young and lacking adult confidence to Stand against the crowd except in those very clear issues I was indoctrinated in such as anti-war, anti-racism, .., and was willing to try to understand the changes and became more and more confused, suffering as I tried to put them into action, and worse.
In retrospect I am very sorry I did not have the grounding in Theology and ethics, and the understanding of the insanity irrationality that took over Western Philosophy at Descartes and after, and continues to this day .. where the Modernist GodLess anti-Natural Law 'thinkers' seem to be struggling back to the Thomistic positions that are Clear and Sane. Had I had even the outline of the Traditionalist Catholic Doctrine my life would have been rational and something I could advance emotionally, Spiritually, economically, career-wise, lovingly, socially, family (existing and having one with a lot of loving well fathered & mothered children, etc)
The years of self-loathing and constant confusion as I endlessly tried to implement that insane hate-filled feminist-directed upbringing and indoctrination, those years of binge-drinking on weekends to have an evening or two free from the self-loathing and torment from nothing making sense, failures where successes should have been, etc.
The PC was and the recent versions is so filled with unTruth, inJustice, mind-breaking, disOrdering, Vomit I would not mind it if public beatings of anyone who pushes it and any lie-based anti-society anti-sanity positions were allowed. Like with those who would call others racists or antisemitic or .. without showing how or able to prove it true - beaten bloody as an example and a Loving correction for them to help them realize their evil wages are such and sometimes death.
I did notice of close examination of the horror of most of my adult life that such popular changes always allow women some small advantage - a method towards drama and take position of false 'righteousness' or to harm males and men or stop changes that they were not supportive of or even asked about. The hyper-empowered 5th Colum of social, national, world destructions and lies and virtuelessness and war, suffering, horrors, and death.
Want a new cancerous puss-spewing evil? Make it something women will benefit from in some way, profit as usual, power to kill more, that destroys; men, children, decent women, .. and it will spread like wild-fire in the wind.
God Bless., Steve
The Left were truly never for free speech or against censorship. They were only for " freedom of expression " when it came to degenerate acts that they wanted to engage in. They were anti-war for Vietnam, they are pro-war for Germany in the 1940s , and Ukraine present day.
My feeling about where we dropped the ball was that we read Ivan Illich and mistaked him fir the similar abstract speaker as Buckmnstr Fuller. My new rule of thumb sweeps to include 1970s cybernetics books, Korzybnski and up to including? Fuller. Illich in those translations is shareable with others. The similar with Haidt. He never advises any behavior, so dangerously I have been waiting for an angry word of metaphysic from drug elves I donot pursue. Today's Zizeck Goads is to the point. He says encourage conservatives to distinguish themselves. My thought in that direction was to want to chorus them, asin a play, but I am not a comedian. The shut-down version of this is with Counterpunch to point up the Uniparty. Zizeck's idea has none of the Respect, steeliness, hammerhardness , nor liberte nor 'equality' which are the bigwords that hang us in the wind . Equality?! Haidt tries and fails to head that off by prefacing the book with :" There are more roadsigns to be grasped from my work on moral foundations than equality". But bringing it up , it is a mistake, who else? I saw Nader's Only Millionaires Can Save Us filed in fiction ...1000 pages give or take a few...
So you admit you were a sucker and bought newt Gingrich’s line of hype?
I'm flabbergasted that a person's reading comprehension could possibly be so poor. I know you can do better, whoever you are.